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OEDC Online

A collection of resources you can access when you’re away from the office or in far-flung parts of the world.

Team Resources

Policies & Procedures

As the OEDC continues to streamline its operations, we’ll increasingly be using new processes, forms and guidelines to get our work done consistently, uniformly and efficiently. If you are a project manager, managing a contract or want to start a marketing project, this is the place to start.

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Need to request the use of your personal vehicle? Prepare a program cover memo? Request technology? Or change your work schedule? You’ll find nearly every form you can imagine right here, ready to download and complete.

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Our story continues to change as the marketing team continues to develop and refine messaging and visuals. We continually assess the competitive landscape to stay a step or two ahead of the pack. Even though our budget is small, our messaging is mighty.

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Legislature & Strategy

Need to know something that’s under the hood of our division? Here’ll you’ll find OEDC strategies, legislative documents, sector strategy plans, presentation materials for hearings and more.

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Operations & Contracting

Contracting makes the world go round in Commerce. Need to create a contract? Modify an existing one? Manage payments? Or navigate your way through the contracting and procurement process at OEDC and Commerce? This team has everything you need and more.

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