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The Marketing Services Unit is your go-to for anything related to marketing, communications, websites, content development, advertising and more. We are fortunate to have a talented team that acts as our internal creative agency. Why these folks are here, given their award-winning backgrounds, fwe don’t know. But we’re glad to have them!


Account Executives

If you have a question about a project, or have a need, these are your point of contacts.

Robb Zerr
   –  Adminstration
   –  Budget
   –  Contracting
   –  Sector Leads

Jacquie Goodwill
   –  Small Business Finance & Outreach
   –  Small Business Training & Education

Alex Harper/Kara Haggard
   –  Business Development
   –  International Trade

Key Messages / Story Arc

In competing with other states, think of our game plan in football terms. We aren’t trying to wear the other team’s jerseys to be more like them. We aren’t even their opponent, trying to guess what they will do next and reacting to the play. We’re more like a rugby team who is playing football. We look a lot like the competition, but we play our own game by our own rules. We dominate the field while the others are still trying to figure out what the game is.


  • Thanks to a wide range of factors since European settlers first settled the state, Washington has become a hotbed of innovation.
  • The state is known for breathtaking ideas that have changed the course of industries, markets and cultures around the world.
  • This culture of creativity and innovation has spawned many legendary businesses, many started in garages or as side gigs. Collaboration and cross-pollination occur organically in brewpubs, outdoor activities and even mountain trails.
  • The future of our economy (40 years from now) is guided by support for small businesses, particularly those that are owned by those historically marginalized, and by global innovation through international trade and investments in new clusters and technologies.
  • This future is focused on sustainable technologies and practices that reduce our impact on the environment while creating new economic opportunities.
  • The intersection of small businesses and global innovation creates new opportunities for economic growth across the state.
  • Our Choose Washington branding, from the art choices to the tone and voice of content, is forward-facing. While celebrating the past, the vision is of the future and what potential it holds for the state, its residents, communities and prosperity.
  • As such, Washington is known as the place “where the next big thing begins.”

Commerce Guides

Marketing Files

Digital Collateral
  • Aviation & Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Clean Technology
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Life Science
  • Maritime
Sector Two-Pagers (printable)
  • Aviation & Aerospace
  • Agriculture
  • Clean Technology
  • Information & Communication Technology
  • Life Science
  • Maritime
Photo & Video Library

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Popular Links

Following are links to the most requested items from our OEDC team. If you don’t see something here, scroll down on the left to find less requested, but nevertheless important, assets.



Choose Washingon (digital)
Choose Washington (print)
Commerce (digital)
Commerce (print)

Team Contacts

Robb Zerr
Senior Managing Director
(425) 280-3792

Jacquie Goodwill
Marketing & Communications Manager
(206) 256-6138

Alex Harper
Creative & Brand Manager
(360) 970-1073

Kara Haggard
Design & Production Manager
(206) 256-6150


“Where the next big thing begins”